Decluttered house ready to sell
Decluttered house ready to sell

How to Sell Your House In Memphis – Tips for a Fast Sale

In theory, you’d put your house on the market, you’d get flooded with offers, and then you’d close with a price you want and no headaches. While that sure sounds good, it’s very rarely how selling a house on the open market works in the real world. That said, there are absolutely things you can … Continued
What are the Cost to Sell a House in Memphis

How Much Does it Cost to Sell a House in Memphis TN?

When you consider how to sell your house, whether it’s through a real estate agent, selling it yourself, or selling it to a direct cash buyer like Fair Cash Deal, you don’t often stop to consider all of the fees and costs involved in the home-selling processes. You’ve probably thought about the real estate agent … Continued
Man signing paperwork to close on a house

The Housing Closing Process In Memphis – What Sellers Need to Know

Selling a house can be a daunting process full of pitfalls and unforeseen circumstances. That goes double if you’re selling a house for the first time and don’t understand how the housing market works. If you don’t know what to expect, you could miss out on opportunities or fail to make back the investment you … Continued
house with for sale sign in Memphis,TN

The Complete Guide To Selling Your House in Memphis, TN

Selling a house can seem like a daunting proposition. There are so many rules, laws, and procedures to be aware of and understand. There are so many steps you have to take before you even list your home. And if you’re planning on selling your house in Memphis, TN, you have to know exactly what’s … Continued

Selling A House With Pets

How To Sell A House With Pets Selling a house with pets can be a little stressful. That’s why we created this infographic to walk you through exactly how to sell your house with pets.  
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