Fair Cash Deal buys houses in any condition
Memphis Mortgage Laws

Get Out of a Mortgage Without a Penalty in Memphis

One of the most important things for a homeowner is learning how to get out of a mortgage without penalty. Understanding the information behind mortgages, late payments, loans, and the basics of selling a house can help you find out how to save money and get the most in return.  But one question remains — … Continued

The Cash Offer Process On A House in TN

Have you been considering selling your house to a cash buyer? If it’s your first time making a home sale, the home buying process can seem overwhelming, especially when dealing with a cash purchase. However, the home purchase process is not as complicated as it looks. Read on to learn what the cash offer process … Continued
fixing before selling a house in Tennessee

What To Fix Before Selling a House in TN

Learn what things you need to consider fixing up before selling a house in Tennessee and get the best deal for your house. Are you looking to sell your house in Tennessee but it has numerous problems like water damage? Are the door knobs falling apart, a ceiling fan isn’t working, and the house needs … Continued
house for sale in Tennessee due to divorce

Selling a House Due to a Divorce

A divorce requires property division, but this process can introduce a lot of conflict into an already volatile situation. They have to determine who owns what to tell the court what is marital property and what is separate property. A family home can be marital or separate property in Tennessee. It depends on things like: … Continued
Sell Your House After 2 Years in Memphis

Sell Your House After 2 Years in Memphis

According to the National Association of Realtors, the average a homeowner lives in their home is for 10 years. However, this poses the issue of how long you should stay in one area before moving on. How long should you keep your house before selling it? The answer will be determined by a number of things. A … Continued
house with negative equity for sale

Selling a House with Negative Equity in Tennessee

If you have a house in Tennessee with negative equity, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Only a few years ago, nearly one-third of all homeowners in the state were underwater on their mortgages.  But what does it mean to be underwater on a loan? That means that a person owes more on their home … Continued
House with termites for sale in Memphis

Sell a House with Termites in Memphis

Termites. Whether they like it or not, termites are a real issue for residents of Memphis, Tennessee. No one wants a house with termites. And, no one wants to buy a home with structural damage. Southern states located in what is known as the Bible Belt are privy to some of the worst termite infections … Continued
sell a house in a floodplain

Selling a House in a Floodplain

Are you thinking about selling a house in a floodplain in Tennessee? If so, this is not an easy task. There are tons of things to consider, especially regarding the potential risk of home flooding and how to get a home buyer interested in taking on a property with this risk. You’ll need to understand … Continued
Things You Must Do in Memphis

Best Things You Must Do in Memphis

Memphis is home to great outdoor excursions, a rich history, and a vibrant music scene. Nature lovers and adrenaline seekers will be enticed by the stunning natural beauty and alluring attractions.  Be sure to try some of the state’s famous barbeque, drink some whiskey, and soak up some Southern hospitality while you’re there. This list … Continued
Cost of Living in Tennessee

Cost Of Living In Tennessee

Also known as the Volunteer State, Tennessee is one of the most recognizable states in the Union. The state has a great deal to offer. Tennessee’s culture is famous for its food and music. The music scene in Tennessee is dominated by blues, country music, and rock n’ roll. Meanwhile, the food scene is known … Continued
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