Front of tan suburban home with two car garage and green lawn

What Others Say…

It’s important to us that the homeowners we work with have a great experience with us. In the end, we’re not happy if we’re not able to provide you with the solution you want. So, check out what others have said about us. Here are just a few snippets of what other people we’ve worked with have said.

Want to share your own experience with us? Send us a note to let us know what working with Fair Cash Deal has been like for you.

Mr. Donnie wanted to sell his home without any realtor or agent hassle! FairCashDeal got it done!

“I’ll tell you like this, there was not really a process. You guys handled everything and I just answered the questions. I thought it was very simple. Anytime I needed anything answered both of you guys were here to assist me. You handled the closing before you said you would and overall it was a VERY good experience and I would recommend you guys to anybody!”

- Donnie and Will
Ms. Linda inherited a property from her mother and needed to sell!

“Actually my brother first called you and he was way out in Leesville cause we were calling somebody else. And he said ‘well let me call this man that I’ve heard so much about’, which was Dane. So Dane, it was on a Sunday, and Dane just jumped in there, told us what all had to do, we had to sign a permission to text different things. And he was very very easy to get along with easy to understand what he was trying to tell us. And he has so much patience because I have a brother that was way out in Leesville going around the corner to the Ricefield he just take over he’s a very difficult person to deal with……” “ …… I am truly blessed that we ran into Dane and his company. I will recommend him and the whole company to anybody as who might have anything to do with selling a house or whatever. You can’t go wrong with Dane, you just can’t go wrong…..” 

- Linda
Ms. Robby sells her house in Memphis and moves to Denver!

“Fair Cash Deal and Dane has been wonderful. They have came through with everything that they said it was gonna do and I would use them again quickly if I had to close on anything. I love their attitude and the way that they treat their customers and that is just excellent. It’s the second house that I deal with Dane and Fair Cash Deal and both deals were just wonderful.”

- Robby - Memphis
Ms. Julie inherited a property from her mother and needed it sold fast!

“Well Dane, first of all, thank you for what you did for me and my family. We were in a really tough situation for a mother passing and we lived out of state and we needed to move the house right away so we didn’t have any issues with it being unoccupied. And so the first company I worked with was terrible they strung us along for months they, you know, said it’s working it never was. It was nothing but hassles. They never called me back so out of frustration I called you and that same day you helped me. You gave us the materials that we needed to look at. You explain the process to us and we immediately, within a couple of weeks, had everything buttoned up signed ready to go. All the financing was done, it was, there was no gains with you and but I’ve had many questions you were totally open to answer the questions and I had a lot of questions and you were very patient with me about those and it turned out really well. In fact, we’re back in Illinois we just went by the house and it’s beautiful I can’t believe it’s the fifth house I don’t know what you guys did but the transformation is amazing. The whole process was really nice. Good luck, I would definitely endorse you to anybody who asked I just really appreciated working with you guys. Thanks Jake.”

- Julie - Belleville, IL
Mr. Terry couldn't find the right company to sell his home too until he found us!

“When you came over, you were very polite and you explained everything thoroughly. I mean really thoroughly where I understood it because I’m not with technology and stuff and you did a real good job on that and you gave me a fair deal because the house was in bad shape and I really feel that you were fair to the best you could be giving me what I wanted. Actually, I asked for 500 more and you did.”

- Terry - West Memphis
Mr. Ivan chose FairCashDeal to sell his home!

“Jake, your dad went above and beyond the call of duty. I mean everything you said came true. When I needed help, you were there to help me and we couldn’t have done it without you. So, I recommend you to anybody and everybody.”

- Ivan
Ms. Debby!

“I’ve been very happy with the whole situation. It was very simple for me and they’ve been great to keep me updated on everything going on. And I’ve had a real pleasant experience with everyone dealing with this sale.”

- Deborah
Mr Peyton testimonial

“I’m going to tell you, we’re sitting at a closing right now. I’m excited. I’ve had the property for a while and I was wanting to get rid of it for some time. When you called, I just thought that was ‘o one of those investor calls that was just talking and stuff’, but I appreciate the professionalism. You contacted me, we worked and negotiated, and got it worked up. And here we are at a closing. And that’s less than 7, 8 days. I appreciate the good business.”

- Peyton

Rashard is an awesome guy!!! Real a great team here. Keep up the good work guys and thank you so much for your help. They really care about the success of their clients! Can’t wait to keep building my portfolio with you guys!!! I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to get involved or is already involved in real estate!!

- Koleton D.

My experience with Fair cash deal was once again amazing. As a realtor I extremely recommend them. Rashard was incredible, knowledgeable, patient and very diligent. They bought my client’s home at such a fair price. My client is happy with the money she got from selling her house, and I am extremely happy everything went well. Thanks Fair Cash Deal.

- Larry E
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